After the current fourth industrial revolution (4IR), the next stage of development is being called the Fifth Industrial Revolution (5IR) or Industry 5.0. Manufacturing processes could be tailored to individual orders in the 5th industrial revolution, while on-demand output and human-AI cooperation also figure prominently. The term «Industry 5.0» is commonly used to describe a hypothetical future state in which cutting-edge technologies like AI, automation, quantum computing, generative AI, and the internet of things are developed and used to enhance and magnify human ingenuity.
Flexibility in production, mass customization, higher quality, and higher productivity across all industries are all promises of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. New industrial policies and investment in research and infrastructure are being pushed by EU and Asian countries to facilitate this industrial transformation.
However, there are also training and education difficulties associated with adopting I5.0. Managers and employees, both present and future, must possess the expertise and capabilities necessitated by the I5.0. This necessitates new course material in both Vocational Education Training and Higher Education. By creating a cutting-edge curriculum to update the existing offerings in this field, the FURNICERT hopes to usher in the 5th industrial revolution in the niche market of Europe’s wood and furniture industry.
The goal of the FURNICERT project is to teach people vocational languages for the furniture industry using an eLearning tool and to develop new furniture competencies in foreign languages (English). The goal is to raise the level of key competencies, skills, and language teaching, as well as to promote the EU’s linguistic diversity. The goal is also to contribute to the upskilling and reskilling of managers and workers in the furniture industry, as well as language teachers. As a result, the program expands learning opportunities while also increasing work mobility.